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It may seem like a detail, but I liked the title screen and the font, it directly gives a certain vibe. Then, the atmosphere is really well done, and the level design becomes more and more pleasant as we unlock the doors to lose the monster. The idea of ​​photos works very well, I quickly understood what to do when I encountered one of the rooms in question (at first I collected the objects in the main room). I surprised myself by never using the surveillance cameras because I had the feeling that the watch often remained in the center of the map. But I imagine it’s a lack of time because the idea is great for knowing which corridor to enter depending on where the monster is. At the end, I would die on purpose to return to spawn faster. I love that the game doesn’t reset between deaths, but should there be a punishment for dying too often?

Congratulations on your game, I had a great moment!


Thank you so much for sharing you feedback in detail <3
We wanted to implement the camera system so that the player can watch over other corridors and rooms without having to leave the room and risk dying. (Because dying was going to have consequences)
We are currently waiting to jam to finish so that we can continue implementing the stuff we couldn't implement.

Thank you so much again! It means a lot that you took your time and played the game. <3

I’m curious to see future updates!