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you have to first contact support to put your jam on the front page, post it to indi games, then make it look really nice, once done, make a discord, after which advertise your game jam useing your url link, with this your sure to get 1-2 joins, but rememmber this, people dont want to join a game jam with 0 people in it, which means if you can get a few pals to help out and join with a seperate account you can get the number to like 4 or so and attract a bit more people. hope this helps mate!

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That seem lot of work for a game jam. 

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But can you help me because I want to create an ugly bastard game jam this time. 

maybe, if you wish to contact me please do so @Arctevious on discord, i do not wish to talk within a forum post

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Okay, but I dislike discord I am a night owl and it's 3:18 over here. 

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I send a request I don't normally use discord I will talk to eventually. 


Please don’t recommend people contact support first :). You can contact us if you think you have something worthwhile to share, but a jam with 0 participants asking to be featured on the homepage is going to get ignored.

Can you feature Future Inspire Jam #3. I tried contacting support and was ignored :|

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Yeah, is a hard platform to create a game jam.