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What did this game do well?


This was so fun to play! The concept is quite interesting, and I like how it's turn-based. It's simple in its goal, but the generated layout is large enough to explore the mechanics and develop and observe strategies.

The use of PCG was clear and interesting layouts were generated.

The room generation was well done. I felt like I was playing a whole new level every time I restarted. The AI for the slimes was also nice touch.

This game offers very interesting turn-based experience and enhances it with PCG mazes. I really like the style of the game.

The procedural generation of levels was done very well. The slime objects to be collected also spawn and move around the level in tandem with the newly procedurally generated level layout which is nice.

Really cool level design, felt really organic and dungeony


What could this game have done better?


The visuals are a little bit jarring, by the nature of a turn-based game that is changing the layout of slimes each turn. Moving about the screen multiple turns at a time is a bit hard to watch--I wonder if it's possible to make the transitions a bit smoother.

Collecting slimes wasn't made too clear that it was the objective of the game and sometimes one would spawn outside the world so it'd be impossible to finish. The slimes behavior wasn't very clear and I never felt the need to use spacebar to wait.

I think the wait a turn could be interesting, but as it is right now, there is no incentive for the player to use it. Maybe another mechanic could be added with the wait a turn so it has some other benefit.

I think this kind of turn-based game should have a more UI telling players what has happened, especially for this game lacking animation and effects. Having a more attractive UI would be more appropraite for it.

I feel that even with the PCG element being used in this case to enforce replayability, i found the game to be generic and disengaging. This is mainly because the core mechanics of the game were simple enough that an additional layer of complexity in game mechanics integrated with the PCG level generation would have augmented and enhanced the player experience.

needed more enemies