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Wow that was fast, thank you for fixing all that stuff I mentioned last time. Being able to pivot the camera around yourself when you're standing still is a nice touch too. I did find a couple more bugs in my testing this time:

When you're in dialogue with an npc, pressing escape will bring up the inventory menu at the same time. Pressing escape again will close the inventory, but the dialogue menu will be broken, can't be closed and soft-locks the game.

After refueling a few times, I suddenly couldn't refuel anymore from any station. :/

At one point during a delivery, I smacked into a building and ragdolled. My camera focus point stayed near the roof, but my ragdoll actually reached the customer and delivered their order xD. However, I still had the bag icon showing on my screen, and when I walked to their door after recovering I triggered the delivery finished screen a second time, and then the bag disappeared. I can't remember if I got paid twice or not...

The shop interior and shop menu don't seem to be compatible with third person mode. Also I think you're better off using a normal 2D UI for the shop menu for now if possible. (like how the inventory works)

Lastly, not really a bug per se, but the mouse still moves the camera when you're in dialogue and menus. I think it would look nicer and be less distracting if the camera stayed still during these moments, especially if it automatically looked at the npc during dialogue! :D

(1 edit)

Worry not, I'll get  to fix those bugs asap.

The lifeless ragdoll delivering the order is very funny tho. I didn't even think it was possible haha.

And again, thank you for the feedback. You don't really need to, but I appreciate that you took time out of your day for this.