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Super chill and wholesome. I was worried at first that having to repeat the same tasks over and over might feel a bit stale after a while, but introducing the progression of your relationship with Diana mixed in with those repetitive lines made it all feel pretty fresh and smoothly progressing. A part of me wishes I could see what happens at the very end (after the last choice) but I think it's still good if left open-ended. 


That is very good to hear, I was also worried about the tasks feeling repetitive! I really tried to hit the right balance of getting a reader into a chill flow state but including enough changing text to keep things engaging. Thanks for the feedback, so glad you enjoyed the chill-cozy vibes! 



Yeah, the constant influx of new lines helps a ton! I think it'll depend on who's reading because some people might just be bored with a chill, low-conflict setting whereas others are like "OOH CAT" (me, and many others, it seems). If anyone does actually complain about it feeling too stale or repetitive though, it can easily be remedied by just rewriting things a bit to make the lines feel a little different, but I think you're alright, especially for a jam :D