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Fantastic entry!

I know you didn't make the models, but the level design was still neat. I would have liked it if things were a bit closer though. Or perhaps you just walked faster when outside.

The footsteps were a bit loud compared to everything else, especially when walking inside the one room with the stone floor.

The shadow speaking out behind the tree wasn't even that scary by itself, but really set the right mood for me. Also, the second time I encountered it I realized it will peak out again when you look away, which was really creepy.

I had some performance issues on the dusk level, slight frame drop. I had much more serious frame issues on the fog level. Also, I feel some type of tracing thicker than a line would have done a lot for the interaction system. That or just a simple crosshair, although that might ruin some of the atmosphere.

The reverse robot voice talking by the trashcan was very very creepy to me. Reminds me of analogue horror. Paired with the "chapter breaks" describing stages of a worsening illness- it all help to set a very eerie mood.

The cat was creepy and nagging in a way I might imagine it could be IRL for someone with alzheimers or schizophrenia.

Again, fantastic entry.

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks for playing,  good criticism! The frame drops were intentional.