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(1 edit)

Hello! Thank you for your interest, but unfortunately porting games from RPGMaker Mv to mobile is quite complicated. :( Can you play the broswer version on your phone perhaps? It's not optimized for mobile play, but I think it should work on most devices regardless :)

Thx for reply.

well I tryed it on Android,and the thing is it do can play on Android but its really really lagging,I will play it once I have a PC,so I can get a best experience.😄️😄️

And I actually have a little request,I saw u have a joint game worked with Foxpancakes before,so I wanna know if u can contact him or not,I really like one of his game,so I actually wanna translate it into my language,but hell I can't find Any clue to contact him😢️,so plz let him know that.

Im really sorry to say this in ur game comment😢️😢️