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Oh my goodness, so all of those times I dreamed and I was just doing my normal day job, I was working in the astral plane? No wonder it was so much easier to move furniture and appliances! 

Seriously though, this is lovely! I don't own a tarot deck but have wanted one for a while, and this seems like a great excuse to get one. You walk a really fine line between mechanically clean and clear + funny and insightful, it's great! That line at the end especially got me, as did The Fool wanting a cup of whipped cream (it me!). 

Also: the use of carrying over charisma "the next day" and using your tips to buy awesome swag that carries over! I want that pronoun pin dang it 🧡 And I definitely need to borrow that concept for future games; I mostly make solo journaling games that have minimal mechanics, and I love how seamlessly you weave a few cool mechanics in here! 

- ✨Beth