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I LOVED THIS GAME SO MUCH I'm trying to get all the endings now, I've finished two of them and oh boy it's legit so good


Glad to hear it! Thanks so much for checking it out and for leaving such a kind comment :D Good luck with getting all of the endings! Hopefully it's not too hard to get them all x3


Thank you so much as well <3 I completed all the endings now and normally I don't get that invested in a game but Rhime rly got me hooked! It was such an intresting experience and wow it left a great impression on me :) Really loved this game so much, I first played Darling Duality of yours and finished Bitter/sweet Blythe too, you make such intresting characters that get me invested so much 

That’s so cool to hear that you managed to get all the endings, and I’m super glad it was engaging enough for you to want to invest the time in it to get them :3

That’s really kind of you to say and it makes me super happy that you enjoyed some of my other games too <3 If you happened to like Darling Duality, you might like Dawn of the Damned cos that’s pretty much a backstory for a couple of characters that aren’t in Darling Duality yet x3

Thanks so much again for playing ^-^