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Hey, thanks for the feedback :>

That was exactly what I was expecting. The learning curve is pretty steep and the car spirals out of control easily. The original game was indeed based on flippy bird mechanics, so you'd crash instantly.

I am experimenting with ways to lose speed. For instance you'd lose speed when turning and gain when keeping the direction or vice versa. But I'm not satisfied yet. But the car is also still set to top speed.

Using cars or the wall to slow has been on my mind as well, similar to Cannabalt iirc. But I haven't yet implemented the rpg system or health items. So you'd be able to strengthen your chassis to take reduced/none damage from impacts, or maybe gain health back on close drifts. For now there is only the luck system that will potentially reduce/avoid damage when you're below 3 hp.

Ha, I hope I'll get around to implementing curves... but the foundation of the game is pretty simplistic: only the obstacles are moving. There's quite a bit of rewriting required Q_Q

Appreciate it!