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I got hit by a skeleton and grabbed by a head hunter while on a rope lol


Thank you, I will take care of it in upcoming update.


Hey, insanely waiting the new update so 1 year passed since the last update already:) The main question is will there be the new erotic images with Annie and how many enemies will be in her gameplay? 


There will be new images for Annie only for new enemy types. All existing one will have those same images.

I may scrap some enemies later but here's the list I plan to add for her. Skeleton and scorpion are scrapped for her gameplay

From Hailey's Adventure:-

  • Bat
  • Worm
  • Spider
  • Zombie
  • Honey-Makers

New ones:-

  • Earwig
  • Goblins (little bigger)
  • Mole
  • Stonemen

Wow that's nice! Thx for the answer:D