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I LOVE LOVE LOVE this game. The music is fun and playful, the animations and graphics are smooth and cozy. The gameplay feels fluid and the versatility of the enemies is nice. The one thing I REALLY love about this game is the way you've made everything scale with the viewport. When I was making my first game, I was struggling with bad quality at higher resolutions.

Thanks a lot, I really appreciate the kind words! Outside of changing the viewport scaling settings, I've found that letting all the control nodes place/size themselves (with anchors, nodes like VBoxContainers, MarginContainers, Separators, etc) rather than trying to place them manually has really helped me a lot. It can definitely be a little tedious to get everything set up how you want, but once you do: everything orients itself properly at whatever resolution you want.

I still think there's some issues I have with font scaling, I still don't know if I fully understand how Godot handles fonts/text. Certain card text will overrun the card bounds only at certain resolutions and can look kind of fucked lol. Regardless though, thank you for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Yeah I've been using the Control nodes (BoxContainers, MarginContainers, etc.) a lot in my games, makes the ui scale nicely with the viewport

Nice! Yeah there's definitely a steep learning curve (at least for me lol), but Godot's control nodes are definitely powerful.