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Hello oppi games, the strength potion recipe has disappeared from my cauldron version 0.1.9


Oh I just checked and it disappeared.. Must have deleted it unintentionally.. Thanks for calling that out!

Not for What, and in the development log the name of the high priestess is indicated incorrectly. I read about Sophie’s new dialogues in update 0.2.0, thank you very much for them!

(1 edit)

oppi games you didn't add the strength potion you added a new version of the game.I see all the changes from update 0.2.0, but I can’t enter the cave in the forest and there is no recipe for a strength potion in Sabrina’s house, version 0.1.9


Update 0.2.0 contains a bunch of bug fixes from 0.1.9 that's why the current 0.1.9 version you can download contains a few things of the 0.2.0 version. But the scenes are 0.2.0 exclusive. I didn't fix the potion bug yet but I think it's not urgent as the strength potion is not essential to play the game.
