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This game was awesome!!! The only thing I wish was different was the simon says section, I replayed that a few times thinking I could win. 

Other than that, the story was awesome and I'm amazed this was made in a month. Given more time, this game would be even more refined and I'm sure the kinks would be worked out. I kept thinking it was about to end, and then I was like "THERE'S MORE???" I got the good ending first try and I'm glad, and I checked out the extras too. 

The character designs and art are great, I especially like the form that the Rhime takes on at the end, ending 3 grossed me out a lot!! In a good way!

Great game!


So glad you enjoyed it ^-^ And sorry about the Simon Says stuff x3 It’s only supposed to result in doom for story purposes, but I can see how it would be frustrating to never win!

Definitely wouldn’t have been possible without such an awesome team to work with :3 It’s a lot of fun and also pretty stressful trying to make jam deadlines sometimes when I give myself too much work to do x3 but I do love it! The madness of jams is pretty addictive, haha.

Thanks so much for checking it out and taking the time to leave a comment :3