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Absolutely outstanding visuals and haunting story. The speech bubbles make it feel like watching animated series while the various phones chats, logs and diaries add some interesting variety and depth to the story. The cinematography is absolutely amazing! Like seriously, that camerawork must have taken ages to do!

The partial VA really drives the emotions home. I grew really attached to Pavel throughout the story, the characters were amazing with very memorable designs. That whole team did an amazing job!

Thank you for making this game!


Thank you so much! I'm very, very glad you enjoyed protoViolence. The cinematography was definitely time-consuming, but it isn't as hard as many think: Ren'Py's 3D camera and kyoryuukunn's Action Editor plugin both helped immensely. ;> 

And I'm happy you like the voiceacting too: both Vyn and Adox did a fantastic job. I also wanna give a shoutout to D.Ray (my sound mixer/masterer) for making them sound as good as they did in the end.