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But you don't understand it's been a while but I beat everything on there a 100  percent it so you can't really understand because there's nothing else news that a couple of scenes so it's not going to be really a game where there's nothing really on it quote quote Quote I'm not gonna say game making isn't hard it's just more content just said oh look this scene and that and this scene and it feel like your saying go fu   yourself 'cause that's what it's kinda you're telling me about the game stop Crying It's a good game But nothing changed I don't care if someone deletes this comment I don't care if I get negative comments I don't care if anyone gives me down likes I just said what was on my mind


Look, no one deletes anything, don't worry, I just wanted to understand why you found little content, maybe something got buggy and it doesn't proceed, what was the last version you played before this one?