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Thank you so much for playing! This game is incredibly important to me and I've been working on it for about 5-6 years now. I truly want to (have to) finish it because out of all the characters I've made, they are all very personal to me. 

I'm really so flattered you like the characters and style!! Like I'm really giggling so much because most people don't even know about this game! Just making it has really helped me and you'll notice that I've made my online name Espoir because of it.

Alouette will definitely continue, it's a game I HAVE to finish because I truly love all these characters (except Duck...) but I've been thinking of making some big changes that may make it easier to continue. First of all, I think I'll have to cut the Jacques sisters in the beginning. 

Perdrix, is kind of a minor character but still one I like, but sadly I'm going to cut out Jun and Jin (they get kind of annoying to write for).

THANK YOU SO MUCH again for checking this game out, it's a story I am incredibly passionate about.