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Practice makes perfect. The hands and feet you've drawn look fantastic. While I haven't seen Ano Hana, I have seen the shrine in various other anime and manga related works. With this amount of effort I know the next update is going to be good. How good, I will patiently await to experience it first hand. Best of luck!


Thank you Scott, your comments always cheer me up. Sorry for not answering earlier, I don't want to rush the comments since it wouldn't be fair, I prefer to read and answer when I'm relaxed and in a good mindset. Was really pushing this week for the update on early access, and finally it's done. So next Monday it'll be out for public :) 

Regarding Ano Hana, I really recommend it! It's short and sad, but sad in a good way.


Sure thing. I'll track down a way to give it a look. I am glad I could help. And no worries, take all the time you need when replying.