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Hey thanks for the detailed feedback!

There is no max level, the goal is to survive until the 0 minutes, I'm usually level 8~9 by the time 0 minutes comes ^^

The jump is a little finnicky indeed ;o The game was made during ludum dare (I submitted for both jams since I'm usually a Unity Developer and this was my first "completed" game made in Godot since "THE SITUATION" happened over at unity hahahah). So it was all made in 72 hours and I didn't touch it afterwards to fix any bugs or anything ;) I might make it into a bigger game later, I do quite enjoy it and still play it again from time to time.

Thanks again!


ah i see. Ok, making it in 72h is actually even more impressive...

Yes, when you planed it already, definitely  would  encourage you to make a full game of it, guess it has lots of potential :-)