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I notice a bit of an error for one of the new mana blade abilities {Inferno Divider}, it appears to be taking some information from Seishe; the initial description is correct as far as I can tell, as is the school of magic, but as soon as you go deeper into it everything is wrong, its mastery pulls all of its information from Seishe (meaning it lists its α and β variants as Seishe α/β complete with their descriptions), additionally when you look it up in the abilities list, it list the require trait as [Water Initiate] and not [Fire Initiate]. Attached are photos of this

Hey, thanks for the reports! I actually got lucky and found that a day or two ago while messing with greatsword skills, so I already have it fixed for the next update. I truly appreciate your reporting it tho, I don't get many reports on messed up/broken skills so a lot of the time it comes down to when I randomly go over them and find some issues.


Oh no worries, I didn't notice anything else immediately, but as I continue to play, I will try to take a poke around a few things to see if I notice any other bugs or errors