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What did this game do well?


I like the background music footsteps sfx when the player is moving since it makes the players feel more immersed in the horror game. I also like how the enemy isn't as fast so players have a chance to run away and escape

Procedural Generation Map, Visual Effect

I did not expect to have the slender in the main level. It was really surprising but loved it.

Always impressed with people able to do 3D, level generation was cool as well. Clearly took a lot of work to put together. Atmosphere isn't bad either

The game is scary. The choice of texture of the walls and floor and the first-person perspective makes the game very immersive. The sound used in the game is also very good. The randomized level generation also makes the game more interesting.

Very cool that the game was 3d and it works well I was very happy to see that the pathfinding algorithm worked effiently.

This game offers a great atmosphere of horror. The maze and dark environments are rendered properly. And the tutorial level is easy, showing all the mechanism clearly. And the actually level with monster added is of good difficulty increase. The PCG generated maze really make it a interesting one.

This is a 3D game! It's a ambitious game and it works great! Love the sprites style!


What could this game have done better?


I wasn't sure when the tutorial ended and thought I died when I opened the door and 'fell off'. I think having some sort of visual text that lets players know they completed the level would be helpful.

Better enemy design and control experience

I sometimes got stuck in something but there was nothing around me. Also, once I complete the tutorial level, the options 'start tutorial', 'start game', and 'quit' popped up.

Better hit collision with the enemy. Sometimes it hits me from way far sometimes i walk right through it. and a clearer tutorial ending.

The game mechanics is confusing. Why doesn't the slenderman kill me instantly when he touches me? the door is also very finicky since sometimes it open from the wrong direction. Also the depth of this game is a bit shallow in my opinion, since all you can do is to find the key and the exit.

I wish the game was a bit scarier and that I could actually run in the game instead of just walking at a slow speed I also wish the objective of the game was made clear at the start

Maybe the levels can introduce more traps or interactables in the mazes

As always, maybe introduce the whole game more clearly to the players.