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That's crazy! Silent Hill was my main inspiration for this particular project! Do you know the SilentHill-inspired game Post Trauma? It looks so promising, and it starts inside a subway, which is similar to a train somehow...? Maybe that's how we both got here, if you watched/played that. I don't know, I'm trying to find an explanation because I am not lying when I say the similarities give me the chills. Not related but, I'm also a fan of Yume Nikki (particularly the twist end, even if Madoka Magica does it better).Anyway, pleased to meet you.

Haven't heard of it ;w; where can I check it out?

Also haven't seen Madoka, it's on my watchlist tho (Althought I've already listen to the entire Ost hehe) Are u on the DevTalk discord btw?