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Oh! In playing through your games I've yet to remark how awesome it is that all your games are playable in-browser! That's just awesome. I wish all my games could be the same but it doesn't seem to want to end up that way; I'm going to try to focus on HTML-focused builds first. I always build my games for Windows initially when testing, and then when I make the engine port to HTML/JavaScript for in-browser play more often than not it gonks up severely and refuses to work. Your successful, consistent commitment to in-browser games is an inspiration to us all.

Also, when your browser games started being able to maximize too, that was awesome. I super appreciate that.

Having sound options too is neat, but unfortunately since they're always in a start menu that I can't access mid-game (as far as I'm aware for all the games of yours I've played like that), they can't be too useful. I don't know what the sound mixing will be like or if I'll get annoyed by the music after too many repeats and when I'll want to mute it until I play the game, and I don't want to quit the game just to rebalance the audio in the start menu settings. Maybe there were Escape pause menus with the sound options mid-game that I missed and my point is invalid, but that's been my experience thusfar. Still though, again, having sound options is still way cooler than those that don't do that.