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Hooray for spoopy surprises :D

I felt so bad asking the voice actors for so many meows x3 But then when they all delivered, I was blown away at how amazingly they went for it! I tried to explain to my brother how happy I was to get such a great variety of meows for the project, and he just gave me an unimpressed look like he often does, and said something along the lines of "What is wrong with you?" >.< haha.

So glad you liked the OST cos I poured my soul into it x3 I'm very rarely proud of or satisfied with whatever my contributions are to a project, but that soundtrack is one of the few things I at least feel content with for once xD I'm absolutely proud of the team as a whole though :3

To me, that's one of the most magical things about Spooktober Jam in general, the fact that you can team up with complete strangers and somehow make a game together just stuns me every year! (Well, not everyone on the team was a stranger x3 but a fair few were people I'd never met before who I was only able to team up with thanks to the jam recruitment channel on DevTalk!) It's such a cool thing to be able to do, and I love it a hell of a lot more than solo dev :D

Hearing you say you appreciate the pronoun and voice options for Linnet makes all the sleepless nights extra worth it ^-^ I can't lie, it did reach a point in the jam where I was beginning to regret the decision to have 2 voices for Linnet & 2 for Rhime xD Well, not regret having them because it was important to me, but regret trying to squeeze them in for the jam deadline >.< Because we were supposed to have an audio engineer on the team who was gonna help me cut voice lines, so I figured the workload for VA wouldn't be too bad if we split it between us, but then she got ill right as the jam began and I wound up having to do it all myself x3

The sensible thing to do at that point would have been to decide to add the remaining voice options post-submission deadline in an update! And I did think it might end up coming to that. In the end though, I decided to just push myself harder to get it all added in time. It would have felt wrong to not get it all in there because, while I never expect to win anything personally, I at least like to hope the folks I've teamed up with might stand a chance for their individual contributions, and I really didn't want to deprive the VAs the opportunity of competing for best voice actor when they'd put so much time and effort into recording their lines!

I hope the team sees all your kind words cos I'm sure it will make em all smile the same as I have while reading your incredibly sweet feedback ^-^ I really appreciate you taking the time to check the game out and spending the time to write such a thoughtful comment too! It means the world to me after I spent the month running myself into the ground to get it done x3 and I couldn't have done it without such an amazing team :3

I did manage to apply the scope knife in places, which is something I've previously failed at, but I definitely need to give myself less to do in the future, haha. Cos as people keep reminding me, skipping sleep and meals because I'm working on a game jam is not an acceptable excuse xD

If your friends do end up checking it out, fingers crossed they have fun as opposed to thinking, what on earth is this insanity?! x3