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(1 edit) (+5)

I'm at a loss for words.

This was absolutely phenomenal in every single possible way one could imagine. I cannot express enough how much love, care, attention to detail was poured into this game. This is one of the most breathtaking experiences I've ever had, be it with a free game, a paid game, a jam game, any game in general.

Every moment was stunning, powerful, heartwarming, wholesome, tense, incredible. I don't know if I even have the words to actually make this review. This is genuinely the single most powerful game I played so far in this jam and, by a few trillion miles, the best one. If it was up to me, I would pay 60 dollars for this game, even considering it's length.

Every scenario, strike of the brush, character design, story moment was insanely well made, terrifyingly well written and cozy to a degree which is rarely seen in media, let alone games.

I simply do not have the vocabulary to express how much I fucking loved it.

I'm kinda proud to even be in the same jam as this one.

Phenomenal. Just incredible. I actually cried. I will remember this game years down the line, and this is possibly one of my favorite games, maybe ever. I don't know what it even had to ressonate with me so much. Please, let the team that made this game continue making games. I will play every single one of them.


I am extremely moved by your generous and overflowing praise. It was relayed to our team and we are beyond ecstatic to hear you enjoyed TFPIS. Thank you so much for taking the time to play and for leaving such a lovely review; it certainly made my night!!


Your review made my day, I'm overjoyed to hear that you liked our work so much! This certainly motivates me to keep working harder and do even better as an artist and visual storyteller. If I can help give even one experience like yours, it makes our work so meaningful and beautiful. Thank you for playing! <3