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(1 edit) (+2)

This is fantastic, just add crank to scroll through letters and it will be perfect


Coming soon with, hopefully some other requested features.

One more I would add is zoom out, so I can see the entire puzzle. This might make it too small for some, but navigation is a bit frustrating at times (just a bit though. Still loving this). It being able to recognize folder paths in the "Puzzles" folder would be great too, but not sure how realistic this is


Zooming out most of the puzzles make them nearly unreadable, at least for me.  In addition, making the puzzle playable at various sizes is, apparently, beyond my abilities.  At any rate I'm not going to attempt it.  Sorry.  Support for folders is in the current release on

would love love love  a ways to see the clues Ina larger font somehow . :)


Thanks for the feedback.  I've heard this from others as well and I have a version currently in test that should address the clue font size.   Look for it in a few days.