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I enjoyed numerous aspects of this visual novel, including the following: the entire setup, which calls to mind Monsters University, a movie I adore; the wide cast of characters, each with a distinct design and an impressive array of expressions; the moments of exploration; the voice acting; the whole coffee debacle (I know how crucial access to quality coffee can be as someone highly dependent on caffeine); the vampire and his challenges with garlic; the references to bombs from the FF series; the small glimpses of meta; and -- how shall I say this? -- the vibrant surprise that occurs at the end of the story. 

I should mention that I sometimes felt like I was playing catch-up and was not getting the inside jokes of this group of friends. However, that's to be expected since I haven't read the prequel. Also, I don't play many Unity games so I couldn't figure out how to access the menu for saving, loading, and other game options. That didn't detract from my experience, though! 

Overall, this was super fun and light-hearted and wholesome! A hearty congrats to your team for releasing this cool game! 


This is one of the most lovely reviews I've readed, thank you for that!

This game in itself calls to mind many, far too many references, and I sometimes find myself between the sword and the wall, trying to scape them, but in the end it's like, yeah well, it's for the sillies! lol

As for the inside jokes, yes, I tried to make it as friendly to new players as posible, hope that didn't detract you from the experience that much!

As for the Unity interface, well, it's another world. Our programmer managed to come up with a saving system, which consisted on the X you can see above. It basically quits the game and saves the nearest saving point you accesed, for you to continue from there when you open it again. Other than that, there's no menu or save files, as that doesn't come stock in Unity. Glad, however, that it didn't get that much in the way!

Again, thank you so much for playing and for the kind review!!!

(Note: Should have answered here first, but oh well, double answering now lol)