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I liked the music and the look of the outdoor landscape. However, like darqwerful said, the text simply doesn't stay on screen long enough, so it's hard to follow the storyline. I spent most of my playtime first trying to open the door (which you said how on the gamepage) and then trying to find my way around. The darkness adds to the atmosphere, but makes it hard to understand where you are. I got to the school and to the rune training, where I fell of an edge after learning (?) three runes. Unsure if it was a bug or not, I replayed and fell off again. I don't know if there is a save function or not, so I'll leave it there. I see darqwerful progressed further than me, so I guess there is more to it. 

The game and story has potential, but an advice would be to try to make it easy for the player to understand what's going on, and easy to do what they want to do. A large room with nothing in it may look nice, but hinders gameplay. I would rather get the Black magic temptation story than be stuck trying to walk up or down stairs.

Once again I want to be sad, because then there was still half a game and you couldn’t see the coolest part of the plot, but I express my gratitude for your opinion!

(1 edit) (+2)

If you want to polish this a bit after the jam, then I think small things to do that will improve the playability (not knowing Unity, so I may be off): 

* Player must push a button before the text disappears from the screen.

* Put in the journal which buttons to use. Not all will read the itch page, so in-game info is better. I had no idea that pressing space did anything. (This may be obvious to unity users - I don't know.)

* Use different colours to show who is talking.

* If possible, implement a way to save or skip over parts you have done already. (I don't know how easy this is in unity.)

I'll try a bit more to get to the ending (there is one, I hope?), but my skills as a platform jumper are a bit limited. :-)

Thanks! Really interesting)