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Great game, congratulations!

I loved how you managed to create an entire world that the player can explore, full of characters to discover: I think it has a lot of potential. I especially appreciated the quest journal: it makes it easier to keep track of what you have to do, avoiding the risk of getting lost in the world. 

Regarding the aesthetic, it's true that some parts appear a bit rushed - as you wrote - but it's nothing that can be fixed easily! Instead, I think the artwork and the music do an excellent job in conveying the cozy atmosphere! :)

Hoping to be constructive, the collisions were a bit odd sometimes, with the risk of making the game a bit frustrating.  Don't be afraid of making the levels "simpler" and "less-labyrinthic", with larger roads and far-away trees: it would still keep the atmosphere, without making the movement hard :)

Anyway, considering that's your first game jam and you participated with a team of seven person, it's an incredible result and you should be proud of it. I really enjoyed playing this, thanks :D



Thanks for the awesome feedback @Thoozee I really appreciate the advice! This is only the second game I have made, and I learned a LOT about what I was doing while I was doing it, one of the main things I just figured out a few minutes before the jam ended was why the colliders were acting weird. It will take a little bit, but I am planning to overhaul some of the systems in this game and give it more of a polished feel, something I can be a little more proud of, but for now thank you so much for the advice! I reviewed your game earlier and really liked it, so good job to you and your partner as well!!