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I wonder at what hour the 0.4 will be posted today ^^

0.4 is 4 patrons, 0.3 is gonna be public today.

Oh, I've seen the unmodificate post it said 0.4 public and 0.5 patreon ^^' I see it changed now, thanks to make me see it :3

rly? didn't realize it was originally 0.4 public.

Maybe it never was and that was just a lapsus ^^

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nope that was totally my fault. i made a few faulty labels :p

0.3 will be public within the hour! 

Hype Hype Hype

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gosh almost made the same mistake again, sorry im so bad with labels yall ;^;

No problems ^^ That's still one more than expected originally (0.2) for this wonderful game, so no problems ^^ Thanks a lot for this game who offer us a lot of fun <3