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Deleted 44 days ago
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check my messages pedophile. im his friend not an alt. plus guess what alot of people have friends that actually defend their names. and I checked the discord message and he did report it but it's still not removed.

Deleted 44 days ago
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no dumbfuck pedophile I reported it to the owner of the discord server not actually discord plus there was no option like that in the serve. and guess what fat ass you did see something in the discord you just don't know the people's age and just assume they are adults. heck I bet I can tell you the age of a chacter if you send an image of them. and then you will see how much child porn is in the discord. and guess what fat ass if this was an alt to my friends account I would be baned by now.


Bruh, if you cant tell the age, then how do you "know" its child porn? They could be of legal consenting age. You really are dumb and cant think properly. I just read this whole thread in five minutes, and even I know that your so called evidence is circumstantial at best. You gonna need stronger proof if you want anything done about it. So, instead of fighting with this guy in a thread no one important enough to actually do something is gonna see, go find more proof. And if you cant, don't make shit up. Just admit you were wrong and own that shit like a man. And if you are a girl, own that shit like a woman.

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your ass probably don't even know 1 percent of what the characters they are posting are from. I do and if I see the images I can look up their age. plus guess what fat fuck I can't get proof of their age because they baned me from the server when I tried to join and get proof. and you didn't even read half the thread plus there's more messages that were deleted or got removed by the owner.

How the hell am I supposed to know about deleted messages? All im saying is, you need more proof.

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wow can no one read? I can't get proof unless someone sends messages of the characters so I can say the age and that person can report it or report the server.

Excuses and more excuses, you just admitted that joshloldeath is actually Joshthedemon, weren't you "his friend"?

Oh wait, now I remember, you're too pathetic and insignificant to even have friends hahahahahaha!

If you found the time to create and alternative account then you have the time to create a new discord account and enter the server to find the evidence that proves your argument, but, you can't even do that because you're just too stupid and lazy, the only thing you are good at it's crying and crying on videogame pages to "talk" with someone because you lack of your parents attention and love.

Do us all a favor and kill yourself Josh, no one will miss you, I'm pretty sure your parents will make a party and will start crying of happiness because they finally got rid of you.

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you really need to learn the difference between and Discord. one bans your up one doesn't. discord bans your up which he already said but apparently you didn't read that.

Deleted 44 days ago