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A member registered Jul 13, 2023

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For fucks sake, NOT AGAIN!

Alright Syther, reinforcements have arrived, give me a call on Discord if you need a hand to slay this fiend once again, this time, the two of us, the two heroes of our own churches.

How do you get that? And how does it affect the game?

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Idk, the guy already made many accounts with the same pattern of not having any previous activity, that seems very SUS to me.

At this point I already counted 5 alt accounts, and Josh always change the way he writes so, you get me.

And well, be on my shoes and try to ignore a guy that insults your friends, it's not fair, but then again, that's my way of doing things and it's different from how you do it.

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The... What...?

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Don't worry, apologizes accepted, I thought you didn't knew the whole story, that's why I calmly explained to you.

He's been doing this for months, not just here on superhuman, but also on other good games too, calling them pedos and other things, and it's tiring, main reason why I, instead of trolling him I became like trollge LMAO!

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What did this guy do me? Well, being an asshole could be the start, this guy, Josh, he was banned from the discord server of Superhuman for sharing lolicon content (anime pedophile content) and then started to talk shit about it's developer that didn't had nothing to do with the ban.

Josh started to call the game dev a pedo, calls every single member of the discord server a pedo, and whenever he has the time and see that his insulting comments get behind, comes back again to talk shit about the game, the developer and the people that like this game, talking all mighty like he knows everything and he's always right, insulting people, insulting my discord friends, that's what this guy is doing to a community that only wants to enjoy the game and also, don't want this game to be cancelled thanks to this guy lies.

So, why do I said those hard words to him? Simple, he deserves it.

And also, Josh is not only doing that to this game, he's also doing it to another game pages on

Another fake account of Josh or one of "his friends"? Your account doesn't even have an historial, so stop hiding behind fake accounts dude.

Excuses and more excuses, you just admitted that joshloldeath is actually Joshthedemon, weren't you "his friend"?

Oh wait, now I remember, you're too pathetic and insignificant to even have friends hahahahahaha!

If you found the time to create and alternative account then you have the time to create a new discord account and enter the server to find the evidence that proves your argument, but, you can't even do that because you're just too stupid and lazy, the only thing you are good at it's crying and crying on videogame pages to "talk" with someone because you lack of your parents attention and love.

Do us all a favor and kill yourself Josh, no one will miss you, I'm pretty sure your parents will make a party and will start crying of happiness because they finally got rid of you.

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If you think you'll do it better, then why haven't you developed your own game?

Go on, do it, I dare you.

I'm pretty sure you won't do it because you're just a piece of shit that only talks and talks.

You're just all bark and no bite.

Go back to your parents basement with your pillow girlfriend and cry every single day, knowing that no one loves you, not even your parents that are asking to themselves why they didn't aborted you.

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Oh no! I didn't put a period at the end of the sentence! The world will tear apart and humanity will perish!

Go and fuck yourself dude, do something useful with your pathetic, miserable and insignificant life, if you manage to do that, maybe, and just MAYBE, your parents won't be feeling ashamed of giving birth to a pathetic piece of garbage like you.

I really feel pity for your parents, I'm pretty sure that they didn't aborted you because of guilt, or maybe, they're just as retarded like you.

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Greetings DiaLive, I just wanted to say, don't pay attention to this fucker, he's just a troll with multi accounts that goes from game to game and has nothing better to do, so I recommend you to ignore his comments.

Who am I you may ask? Well... I'm the troll that trolls this fucker, and I won't stop until he does it.

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Learn how to write, and when you manage to do that, maybe your parents will start to pay attention to you

Wtf? You again? Are you still mad because you got banned from the discord server because no one agreed with you?

Get the fuck out of here you motherfucker gangbang cocksucker hypocrite pedophile lolicon human disgrace piece of shit that lacks of parental love.

For example, before the mall event where your identity it's revealed, you can go to train, if you fight on the sewers against the Minyiaks, depending on your choices, you'll get 1 or 2 power and skill points, that applies to some future fights too

In the early versions it sell you some items that unlock some H scenes from the Gallery, in the update 0.96 you can buy some items that give you skill or power points, probably for next updates

If you want to know how to get that ending, when you are about to evolve and see the Eye, it will ask you what you desire, if you choose POWER then it will tell you what you have to do to get that dead end.

Is really interesting that Dead End.

I really love your game, it's really awesome! I really want to keep playing it and I'll wait until the next update, I'm going to tell my friends about this game, in my opinion, it's one of the games I ever played!