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195.884 (I chose to lose so I can see if there even is a way to track your time)
Here are my thoughts on the game:

  • Difficulty barely increases - Since the ball can go through an infinite amount of enemies, the fact that there are more enemies compared to the start doesn't change much. Making enemies faster over time would make it much more difficult as you progress.
  • Losing the ball is barely punishing - While you do lose a bit of time for enemies to get closer when the base shoots a new ball out, it has a chance to hit the enemies. There should be a limited number of balls you can have.
  • Boring - The game IS quite fun, but I can only assume after a while it will get boring. Other enemy types would be a nice addition
  • Ball speed feels like cheating - The ball speed definitely feels almost like a cheat, and considering the enemies don't scale to it, it DEFINITELY feels like you getting a headstart to the difficulty increase.

Remember, you can always update and improve your game after the jam!


Thank you so much for the detailed feedback! I 100% agree with all your points.
This was made in an hour as a small challenge, and I'd prefer to leave it as it is, to show what I did in an hour. However, I'll take what you've given me and apply it to the games I spend more effort on haha