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  • Style of the game. It is much different than the rest of the entries, and in a good way.
  • Bidding mechanic. Very cool (coming from the economic geek in me, but still true).
  • Story/tutorial screens. This is probably the best tutorial/walkthrough of how to play in the whole jam.


  • The theme was a little lost with the mechanics of the game, but the tutorial tied it in. Not a show-stopper, just something to consider.
  • The AI seems easy to outsmart. I did a few quick bids in the top part of the room and wandered to the left afterward. When I realized that the AI would follow me after a while, I stayed in the bottom of the room to keep the bidders from bidding on my yellow bids. Is this behavior intended? If so, play into this, but play on the fact that certain bidders to certain things. If done right, this mechanic would add a lot of strategy to the game (it made me feel smart to outsmart them).
  • Put a guide to what bids beat what in the gameplay screen. It is a little hard to remember what bids beat what at times, and I had to start the game again by refreshing my browser to ensure that I knew what bids beat what.
  • Is there a way to go from the results screen to the beginning screen.

Although this game has not been rated much yet, I think this is one of the most unique and interesting games in the jam. Maybe more levels and features in the future?


Thanks so much for the detailed feedback! Really glad you liked the style it's how most of my art looks lol. I'm glad the bidding mechanic was cool I was concerned it would come across a bit bland. The tutorial screen took a bit of feedback from other commenters to get right but I'm really glad with how it turned out!

Yeah I think if I had some more time I should definitely see if i can tie together the theme better. There's a stealing mechanic that I should clarify and incentivize more in the intro for sure.
The bidders have preferences for bidding and detection but I definitely need to work it a bit more. They used to be a lot tougher but I realized you literally couldn't win anything because of how much they bid so I dialed it down. Working on getting a better balance. I also think a big weak point in the game is how a lot of the mechanics of the ai and the bidding aren't obvious until you're really paying attention to when you can do certain things so I think maybe showing that clearer would be great.
The bids are ranked in the corner in order of which beats what, again something i should definitely clarify in the intro thats on me lol.

I'll definitely work on these and some more features in the future so stay tuned. Really appreciate the feedback again!