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Interesting premise but I think there is some things that can be done to make it a bit more comprehensible. The white text on the lime background makes the text hard to read, and it's hard to tell who is talking. Instead of just having the characters stand static in a line the whole time, it might be nice to have them highlighted, or come forward, when they're talking, that way it's very easy for us to visually see who is talking. I think there's a bit more you could do to expand upon the characters as well! Give us the option to choose to talk to someone and learn a bit about them as we trick-or-treat. I thought the character art was really nice, I especially liked the second one from the left!

Thank you so much for the feedback! I completely agree with your thoughts! I hope to update this more after the judging period. The worst thing for me was time, complications arose so I only have 5 days to finish, hopefully with more time I'll be able to really clean it up! Thank you for playing!