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I noticed that some of the texts were not translated. What's going on?


yeah that can happen when you don't have a beta tester and the text is originally in a different language. tell me which ones aren't translated nd i'll fix it. 

noting down however, the text that happens after the window cutscene (transition from day to night that should say "Later that night..." has already been fixed in the beta 1.0.3 version)

next time you encounter an issue, please specify where the issue occured. especially with text based errors. it is not within the realm of possibility for me to magically know where they are.

  I found a problem with the text here.

also the dialogue where the protagonist refuses to help the person in the bathroom is also problematic.

Thanks, Spike - fixed it, an update should be uploaded soon.

Also you should really stop changing accounts to pretend you're someone else, it's not working. Might as well just own it, since I can't block you on here.