hi thanks for the constructive feedback and glad to hear you like what I've made so far.
Getting a score for skimming the balls across would actually be more fun than having to jump on them. Thanks for that idea, i did want players to throw lots of balls to help them across, this would definitely encourage this and help keep the game fun. Something I wanted to do was to keep the player more to the left of the screen if that makes sense so you can see further ahead which would be necessary for that. Not sure how to do that yet.
I can explain why the player sticks to the invisible platform it is to stop players falling off accidentally when they jump, and also when they turn. The latter shouldn't normally be a problem, but is on my game because I didn't centre the solid part of my animation. When you turn on a visible platform you can see how it doesn't flip correctly on the spot. Would have took me a while to solve as I don't usually make platformers and been a long time since I have made any game. Can fix now though.
Ive noticed the player can sometimes jump really far, still don't understand why that is. If you struggle to get to the end basically there are several wide invisible platforms, then several slimmer platforms with bigger gaps to fall in then three separate vertical moving invisible platforms which get steeper and harder to climb up.