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Deleted 56 days ago

Well, that is a huuuuge relief that you didn't encounter any bugs, haha. It's always one of my biggest fears x3 especially when I'm painfully aware of the fact that I'm not a proper programmer, haha. I always dread things happening that I will have zero idea how to fix >.< Like the super weird bug that occurred in Bitter/Sweet where sometimes loading a save file loaded the completely wrong background o.O I mean, in Naninovel, all the save/load functions are premade for you, so I have no control over that, and no clue how you'd even begin to fix an issue caused on load x3

I'm over the moon that you had fun with the game anyhow ^-^ Thanks so much for taking the time to play it and type up such lovely comments cos it means a lot!

Today was certainly a less stressful day than yesterday, haha. I adore many aspects of game dev, but launching a game is not one of them xD I just find it extremely stressful and paranoia-inducing! But I ate tasty pizza and had a walk in the woods today, so that helped me destress a bit :D

Deleted 56 days ago