I must be missing something, but it seems like the 3rd date encounter is unaccessible for Anne. It seems that as soon as I go on the second date, the next time I travel triggers the Queen kidnapping Anne and if I rescue her, then the game is over and if I don't rescue her, she is gone. Is there some way to avoid immediately triggering the kidnapping?
Ah! Okay. That makes sense. I was also curious how you would make sure there was always a replacement companion available and you answered that, too.
Great game! I really like your commitment to having fun game play, even if it frustrates me sometimes. I look forward to what you have planned next both for Monster Monsoon and for other games.
Thank you! My main plan for Monster Monsoon is to animate everything before the end of the year. Some bonus features and events may also be added.
New games are coming in early winter and late Autumn. I want to switch game engines since Unity is planning to destroy itself, so my next project will be a short one meant to teach me how to use Godot, after which I will start working on a roguelike chess game.