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AI Steal: Do you remember which spot the AI was in the turn order? I think I know why that happened, but I just want to be sure.

Cavity Calamity: CPUs do this in a couple of minigames so they don’t stall matches for too long.

Browser: Browser is known to be finnicky and a lot issues can depend on a user’s setup.

The rest have been noted, thanks for reporting!

  • As for the outdated demos, I want to be absolutely certain I’m not updating said minigames before redoing them. So long as the objective in the demo isn’t misleading they’re fine for now. Same goes for the boards, but with space designs/layouts instead.

  • Those minigames have jumping listed for consistency, because I didn’t feel like removing jumping.

AI Steal: The AI in question went first.

The main reason I listed Cavity Calamity as a bug is because this behavior doesn't happen in the other two endless minigames Iron Cannons and Shock Absorbers (though if length is an issue, then it should be implemented in the former).

Oh, and two other things I forgot to report.

Fruit Forecast: The game always starts with a banana being dropped in the middle of the screen.

Bomb Rally: The object that makes the bomb's trail is still visible after the game ends.

(3 edits)

That is the intro for Fruit Forecast in Super Mario Party, and if not, so what? It's can be just a intro for the minigame, like other Mario Party. (edit: The bomb rally thing might just make it easyer to code and might not care to remove it and I did saw the cpus stop in Iron Cannon though, might just be me or you, I don't really know. Might be bcs I play hard cpus.)