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Highly disturbing, uncomfortable and creepy, which means that the job is well done with this game. 

The most bizarre aspect of this game is attention to detail. There are certain thing you have to do in order to "collect" parts, but some interactions are too much disturbing and what makes it work better is the sound design. I was not a fan of the atmosphere, because it felt very blend and I think that can be worked on for the future update, in case you continue with the game. For the game jam project, this is solid. 

Best of luck with this ✌

Thanks so much for playing and for the kind comment!

Yeah, I agree it’s very bizarre haha. The atmosphere is kind of bland I have to agree, but that’s because we were focusing on getting something out before the jam ends :).

But since we have an extension of 48 hours, we’ll work on the atmosphere thanks to your suggestion, and overall make it more clear what the objective is. And if people do enjoy it, we will add more content after the jam for people to enjoy.

Thanks again!