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I claimed a community copy and after reading through decided to purchase a copy. Excited to get started! I’m on a major space exploration kick lately.

Just had a question, what is the exclusive content?


Hey, thanks for the support! I hope you'll enjoy the game.  The "exclusive content" part is how I included the community copies. Maybe I made a mistake there, I'm new to this 🫠

But I want to release a multiplayer add-on soon, so that might make up for that.  


Hahaha I should I looked a little closer and I would have known. All good! I’ve claimed my fair share of community copies over Covid when work was slow. I’m happy to give back. I just wish old habits didn’t die so slow and I just bought it in the first place instead of taking a CC first. Oh well, next time for sure.

Looking forward to a session tonight!