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Ive recebtly found out about your work and ive enjoyed it all so far, just have one quick question as i cant seem to find the answer. How are you supposed to comolete the village time loop on the deer's journey?

no matter what i do i cant seem to get any charm nor get anything useful out if going to the barn, even after getting all the rest done

I've gotten the baker with the charm maker, the feather to the mare and the flock of hair from the "mare" even helped getting the flowers, but I can't seem to be able to do anything after that, any help pls?

Certainly! You're not the only one to have trouble here, it's definitely the hardest area of the game, so I'll just post most of the solution here. Spoilers if you want to try to solve the time loop village without help ~

To complete it, you have to find the sequence of events to get everything done without any wasted actions. 

You need to start by sleeping with the bird and taking a feather. 

Then, sleep with the sheep and learn what she likes. You're done with the main part of the town after that, and you can hike to the next area.

Immediately give the charm maker the information on how to satisfy the sheep, otherwise the sheep will come over, and the maker will be busy.

Visit the mare after, and grab a bit of her hair without revealing what you know of her.

There is a step now to do in the woods, although your character will not know to do it until you have attempted the ending once.

You can return to the charm maker now that he is satisfied with his encounter with the sheep, and he will make you a charm.

Now you need to go back to the mare, but her mother is there. Trade the feather she was eager to get for the ceremony with her, and seduce her, so she will let you in. Once you're done with her, equip the charm and go to the mare. You can now confront her properly.

After that, you can hike back to the village proper, and find a use for the key. I won't spoil the ending :)