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I'm working on warioware-esque minigame collection in Godot. I got a little too into the art direction though so need to actually start making the game.

Yo off topic but what happened with your chameleon demo you had? It is pretty cool.

Thanks for the question - and sorry for the delay! I pulled it down as I wasn't really planning on working on it in the short-term.  

What did you find interesting about it?

The chameleon model and the way it stuck to objects. Is it open source by any chance?

Not open-source, and real rough at the moment but it's a combination of these three things + some custom systems to determine which way to apply gravity when you touch a surface.

Sorry, I know that's not super helpful unless you've got the time / knowledge to develop it from scratch, but can't share it as it's not entirely my work.