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I really loved this concept! The driving around in the car feels good especially in first person, and I particularly love how when you grab items they make one comical stack.   I did run into what I think is a bug, where when looking at the fuel prompt on the car I couldn't put anything in.  The object would highlight but the control prompt didn't come up, and even pressing the key didn't work.  I tried driving it around until it ran out of fuel to try and fix it but no luck.

Overall I'm really impressed, and glad it worked flawlessly on my ultrawide monitor!  Amazing job. 

(1 edit) (+2)

Ah, it looks like you have a key picked up as an item in your stack. (see the white outline on the key) You should be able to cycle through to the fuel items with the scroll wheel, or drop the key by looking at the ground and right clicking. If you use the key on a key slot like you the one you interacted with in the opening, that will also consume the item and free you to use the remaining fuel items.

Nice catch though! I think we missed this being a tricky interaction since all of us were used to the inventory system, maybe we should have had the key in the left hand and fuel on the right or something similar that prioritised the fuel over the key in situations like this.

Thanks for giving it a go though!


Oh that makes sense! I'll give the game another go later with that knowledge.

That's really relatable, I did a similar thing in our game.  I made the Hexagon to show you what to interact with as a tutorial... but I realized if you grab a cable too slow the tutorial bugs out the hex doesn't move.  I was so used to the game and grabbing cables fast it worked every time for me.  Gonna fix that today.  

Oh that makes sense! I'll give the game another go later with that knowledge.

That's really relatable, I did a similar thing in our game.  I made the Hexagon to show you what to interact with as a tutorial... but I realized if you grab a cable too slow the tutorial bugs out the hex doesn't move.  I was so used to the game and grabbing cables fast it worked every time for me.  Gonna fix that today.