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(1 edit) (+2)

Awesome entry.
First one I gave all 5s.

The writing, look and sound are all very atmospheric and charming, the puzzles are fun and the character feels great to control.

The margin of error on some of the dashes are a bit tight.  Maybe when you hit a ceiling, have a few frames where you stay at max height just so there's a slightly wider reaction time.  That section with the spikes and dashing gave me the most trouble, especially with the respawn point being quite aways back.

It also might help if the dash can be performed without having to hold a direction.  Again, the area with spikes and dashing. and all those cubes; very tricky to navigate when I couldn't initiate a dash from a stand-still, as I'd move into spikes.  Maybe that's by design, in which case, as you were.

(Also, this seems like it's extremely specific to me, but the first time I saw one of those dash refreshers, I thought it was a sign telling me it was a one way.  Like, I could only use that route to enter the room.  I got it eventually when I compared it to the rune, but yeah.  Probably just me. XD)

The way you had to order your wall jump and double jump for certain places was an interesting wrinkle I don't think I've seen elsewhere.

I think the funnest part was weaving through the arrows, even if I died quite a bit.

Again, great entry.
I'll post my records when I get them up.


Thanks for so detailed reply!  

Yeah the whole system of multiple dash charges with that rune is a bit messed up. We draw this "double dash" rune in the last day of submission and forgot to sign it somehow so players cant understand what it is. Other problem that we dont have required quantity of peeople who tested our game in early stage so some parts of the game feels unintuitive or strange on first glance. Your suggestion about staying at max height after taking it is actually simple and smart but sadly we could figure out it beforehand. All your notes have fair point so in future we should ask you to test our future games :)

Very happy that u enjoy playing our game and thanks for putting me on joy with your reply!


Here's the record: Timeless Realm 1/3