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WOW. Just saw the preview it looks great so far!  I am glad to see development is progressing quite swimmingly. Going to catch up with the previous update since now I got a computer that hopefully won't die on me this time. I think it would be smart to have to ask the character first to then go to that location. It would seem more fitting than just clicking on the wall and BAM. You got mess to clean later. But three loads for the MC seems reasonable as I can't imagine many protagonists busting anything further than 5 without needing either super powers or hentai logic. I am looking forward to the new stuff coming and the helpful suggestions by the community. Looking forward to this new update and I patiently await to see it, I wish you the best of luck getting it all together.


Thank you as always Scott! Yeah I agree that some sort of communication before going straight to sex is always good manners hahaha.

Also, with the power of hentai in the protagonist's hand, I plan to let the player increase a bit the loads of the protagonist, Maybe as some type of unlockable, requiring some sort of divine grant at a local shrine? Who knows haha.

Thank you for your interest and for playing!!