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I think this is a classic idea executed nicely! I had a lot of fun while playing, even ended up finishing it which cant be said for all jam games. 

I think there are some tweaks that could be made, but those are subjective and didn't really affect my rating. While i think the parachute is a nice idea in practice i found myself not using it as much, as going up is just more fun which led to me opting to go again, collecting more upgrade parts on the way up. Maybe this could be exchanged for a magnet upgrade or smth else instead. 

Would have also loved to know how far up i went, as i was quite surprised when i suddenly reached the sun. 

Still, these are very minor critisisms, i had a blast playing this!

Thank you so much for the feedback,  I will surely add those suggestions after the jam voting is over, I thought the idea of a magnet  is a really nice one!