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This game really had potential when it came to its premise. Getting stuck in a snowstorm is an underused in horror games, despite it being a great setting.

However, the game didn't really take advantage of it. For one, while it says there's a snowstorm outside and it's very cold, the game doesn't make it look like that at all. At the very least, the default snowing weather effect, maybe limited visibility and a background sound effect would work wonders here. And then there was the gameplay, which mostly consisted of random wolf battles and one bear battle, where the protagonist triumphs by repeatedly punching them. It just broke immersion and whatever atmosphere you've succeeded in building was lost as a result.

Also, several graphical effects on the map were shown poorly, using multiple events for some reason, like the pool of blood and that snowdrift that blocked the path back. It would be better to just use different maps with those effects added as normal tiles or one event with a large sprite and several blocking events to prevent passage. The way it was in the game, it just doesn't look good.

You do have potential to create a good horror game, I can see that. You've managed to create a somewhat solid atmosphere before the protagonist left the shelter to gather wood. It's just that the rest of the game went downhill. Continue making games, take the lessons from this project and I'm sure whatever you make next will be better!