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yes. But no one needs to be shattered, I love them all so much, sometimes I do get kinky and wish I had some ''mindless'' girls to just talk about weird stuff with them, like, ''hey, wanna get sacrificed in horror games with me'' without getting weird looks, man. That's all a girl like me needs. 

also, we may not know each other, but, go watch a Haunting in Venice. IT'S SO GOOD, GAVE ME LITERAL CHILLS. The plot is amazing.

To be fair, who doesn't want to get sacrificed? I did an entire four-hour livestream a while back where all the community did was continually and repeatedly sacrifice me.

(Also, yes, a Haunting in Venice is indeed good)

YOU WATCHED IT?? I LOVED THE MOVIE. MOM TOOK ME TO WATCH IT YESTERDAY, and my god, it had me covering my ears the entire movie. 

I have this weird reaction when watching mystery and horror movies, I cover my ears, not eyes. The noise is what scares me, when I play horror games, I have to have or music like “the dismember song” “the bro duet” or “I miss having sex but at least I don’t wanna die anymore” playing on the background or else I just mute the game and pray. 

You wouldn’t believe the amount of guys who refuse to be sacrificed by a girl, cowards. 

I forgot to tell you. I was rejected by mr. Canadian guy who I liked. But, I’m over that. I kind of started liking another guy like a week before I was rejected. 

AND THIS GUY, MY GOD, IS HE KINKY. I’m kinky, he’s kinky. See? Perfect match. He loves cats, he’s sweet, he’s funny, he gets knifed easily in gun games, I think he might like me back? From calling me a sweet heart, texting me whenever he’s online, and just overall, being extremely sweet. 

Oh, and guess what I did today. I flooded my bathroom. Note to self, no matter how fast you think you can end a “stress release” session of, you know, self loving, it’s never quick enough. Don’t leave your bathtub water running, you won’t finish quick enough. I ended up flooding the bathroom. 

(1 edit)

Nah bruh, I'm a bitch. Can't do scary shit. I might for halloween though lol

it’s not that scary!! I’m more of a masochist, so I enjoy getting scared. But the movie is just like “murder mystery” but well done, it’s pretty darn good. It’s more of a suspense movie, mystery, and a slight bit of horror. 

mmm if you're gonna insist that hard I'll have a look, can't say I don't have a taste for mystery.

It’s like that one scene from Eternum, the scene that makes everyone scream? But made into a movie with the settings of 1940’s.